I Hate Waiting Around, But These Hair Masks Work in Less Than 5 Minutes
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If anyone were to ask me what my least favourite day of the week was, I would say, without hesitation, wash day. To wash, treat, detangle, dry and style my hair is not a quick job. And while I do try to lean into seeing the time as productive and meditative with specific hair-washing playlists to sing along to in the shower and podcasts to ponder on when I’m detangling, I do spend a lot of the time wishing it was over.
Anything that can speed up the process is greatly received, which is why I’m a huge fan of quick hair masks. While most masks need at least 10 minutes for the formula to work on the hair (something which I don’t always have time for), traditional conditioners just don’t always cut it when it comes to providing the deeply nourishing ingredients that most masks have. Enter fast-working hair masks. Yes, I’ve tried and tested them all but these quick hair masks genuinely work so well to provide your strands with some much-needed TLC even if you’re strapped for time.
Berlin (dpa) – Die zehnjährige Politikertochter Emma verschwindet aus dem Berliner Naturkundemuseum. Die Täter zündeten eine Rauchbombe, um die anwesenden Menschen abzulenken. Das Kindermädchen der Kleinen weiß nicht, was los ist. Aber: Weiß sie es wirklich nicht? Die junge Frau gehört zu den Zeugen
Le président chinois Xi Jinping a salué jeudi le « nouveau monde » créé par le peuple chinois à l’occasion d’une cérémonie organisée à Pékin pour célébrer le centenaire de la création du Parti communiste. Le Parti communiste chinois se rend hommage sur la place Tiananmen. C’est un président Xi Jinping triomphant qui a vanté, jeudi 1er juillet, l’essor « irréversible » de […]
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