12 Timeless Pieces That Belong in Every Brit Wardrobe
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Here in Britain, we’re fortunate to have one of the most eclectic fashion scenes out there. From punk to polish, Dr. Martens to twinsets, so broad is the term “British style” it’s difficult for even us to pinpoint. But that’s what we love about it. After all, fashion is one of the most readily available forms of self-expression, and we don’t think anyone should be limited to one aesthetic.
Still, some pieces feel undeniably British—staples that can be found in just about every Brit wardrobe, whatever the other items hanging alongside them may look like. Assemble them, and what do you get? Twelve absolutely British fashion essentials, all of which can be worn in a multitude of ways. Scroll below to see how some of our favourite UK-based influencers style them, and shop the pieces you need to complete your own Brit capsule wardrobe.
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