I’m Obsessed With Double Denim—Here’s How I’m Wearing it This Year
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As someone who has always chosen heeled boots over sneakers and crew-neck knits over hoodies, double denim hasn’t historically been part of my wardrobe repertoire. Like all good millennials, I dabbled with the pairing back in my teenage years, but that is firmly where it has remained—a relic of bad fashion choices past.
But something has shifted over the last year: I’ve found myself double-tapping a growing number of double-denim outfits on Instagram. I’ve been drawn in by their Parisian-inspired nonchalance and low-maintenance appeal. Yet, these are not the skintight ensembles of yore, but an altogether a more grown-up and polished breed. Less Justin and Britney circa 2001, more off-duty It girl.
I have consequently spent the last week or two in a bookmarking frenzy—determined to find a “me” way of wearing this trend. Thankfully, there is more than enough to kickstart my mental scrapbook, and I have ended up with an edit of outfits I can turn to for a more polished spin on the classic Canadian tuxedo. From tailored outwear to slick accessories, here are seven ways to wear double denim and still look like a grown-up. Together, we can make double denim great again.
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