Trust Me—You’ll Spot These 8 Dress Trends In Every Park This Spring
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There are certain things that universally signify the beginning of spring—the first bunch of £1 daffodils, a bag of Mini Eggs and it being light at 6pm. Nothing makes me feel like I’ve said ‘so long’ to winter quite like retiring my tights, and wearing a summer dress. March is when many of us will revisit our dresses, and so we are marking this wardrobe switchover at Who What Wear with a series of edits and guides to the dresses that we’ll be wearing for the next six months.
Below I’ve listed the 8 dress trends that I think you’ll see throughout all the stages of the relaxing of lockdown restrictions. Long-sleeved, denim and knitted dresses are perfect for the next few months of daily walks, while the bright pink dresses and fun minis I’ve found below have June 21st written all over them. I’ve been sure to include a mix of classic basic styles, to more fashion-forward silhouettes or bolder options for those who want to just have fun with fashion again. Keep scrolling to see the 8 dress trends I really love for spring.
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