Decisions, decisions… We’re well over halfway through 2021 and we’re steadily sliding down the back half of the year, having negotiated the six-month hump. Holiday season is waaaay off in the distance and we’ve still got several months to go before we get into video game ‘silly season’, but while recently discussing the upcoming Sonic […]
We didn’t start the fire (but we did contribute to it). Voxels! It’s what’s good for ya. They’re basically 3D pixels, sort of; big chunky blocks like what Minecraft is made of, as well as Bonfire Peaks, a game about setting fire to your belongings. Wait, setting fire to your belongings? Yuuup. In Bonfire Peaks, […]
Die Pandemie kommt den Bund immer teurer zu stehen. Dieses Jahr und nächstes Jahr wächst der Schuldenberg nach SPIEGEL-Informationen um 150 Milliarden Euro.