Ein Pfarrer und Dekan soll sich jahrelang durch »sexualbezogene Handlungen« strafbar gemacht haben. Die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt, das Bistum Augsburg versprach »Null-Toleranz« im Kampf gegen Missbrauch.
With an ever-changing traffic system, travel plans have been few and far between for many this year. However, with the likes of Ibiza and Malta just added to the green list and lots of you heading to British beaches, many will suddenly be looking for new swimwear. Shopping for a bikini or swimsuit can be very difficult, which […]
Travel back to 2006. If you played the Wii back in the day, at some point you likely tried out the included launch title Wii Sports. It was a mix of sports that demonstrated the capabilities of the system’s Wii Remote and motion controls at the time. If you’ve ever wondered what’s beyond the boundaries […]