Games World

Review: Bugsnax – A Charming Idea That Struggles In Execution

To snack or not to snack.

Ever since Bugsnax was announced for PlayStation systems back in 2020, the game has grabbed people’s attention like few others. With plenty of merchandise and its catchy theme song, it seemed as though the googly-eyed strawberries were everywhere despite being Sony-exclusive at the time. Now, a year and a half later, the game has finally made the jump to Nintendo’s console, launching alongside the free Isle of BIGsnax DLC. However, despite all the excitement, Bugsnax unfortunately doesn’t quite stick the landing on Switch.

In Bugsnax, you play as an unnamed journalist on the verge of being fired. After receiving an invite from an explorer named Lizbert to visit the mysterious Snaktooth Island, you set out to discover the island’s secrets for an exclusive scoop. As you explore the island, you come across Filbo, the Snaxburg mayor. Filbo informs the player that Lizbert has gone missing, and the town has disbanded after a series of earthquakes and disagreements among each other. You’re asked to bring the disgruntled townsfolk back to Snaxburg to help piece together the history of Bugsnax and find out exactly what happened to Lizbert.

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