Also a fresh look at Neon White. Annapurna Interactive has wrapped up its first Showcase presentation, and it featured various welcome announcements for Switch players. There are new games, new looks and also a release window for an anticipated title. You can see the whole thing above, and we’ve summarised the Switch news below. Read […]
Le prĂ©sident chinois Xi Jinping, lors de son discours de bonne annĂ©e, Ă PĂ©kin, le 31 dĂ©cembre 2021. LI XIANG / AP La Chine semble parfaitement s’accommoder de l’intervention des forces russes au Kazakhstan, après la demande du prĂ©sident Kassym-Jomart TokaĂŻev, confrontĂ© depuis le 2 janvier Ă un massif mouvement de protestation populaire. Lundi 10 janvier, au […]
Gewinnen wir den Kampf gegen Corona? Was wird aus dem Fortschrittsversprechen der Ampel? Und welche Wahlen stehen an? Der SPIEGEL-Ausblick.