Three DLC fighters join the roster. Update: Nintendo of America has confirmed this trio of amiibo will also be arriving in the US on the same date. At the end of Masahiro Sakurai’s Smash broadcast, fans got a first-look at the Banjo-Kazooie, Byleth (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) and Terry Board (Fatal Fury / King of […]
Get in shape with these Switch games. Cooped up at home and need something to keep you active? Looking to get in shape this year but find the lure of gaming too hard to resist? Worry not, because with Switch it’s easy to mix your favourite pastime with a little cardiovascular exercise to get your […]
Schlagerstar schlägt zurück: Helene Fischer hat sich in einem seltenen öffentlichen Statement zu absurden Geschichten über ihr Privatleben geäußert. Ihre Reaktion hat einen besonderen Anlass. “Skandal vor der Traum-Hochzeit”, “Baby in Gefahr”, “Ist jetzt alles aus?”, “Drama um ihre Eltern”: Es sind