Mortal Kombat director Simon McQuoid reveals why they decided to exclude Johnny Cage from the live-action reboot. The live-action Mortal Kombat reboot is missing a very key antagonist in Johnny Cage. The film subs him out for a newly-created character named Cole Young who is played by Lewis Tan, an actor best known for his […]
Mit einem Stopp von Kohleimporten wollen die EU-Staaten die Sanktionen gegen Russland verschärfen. Die Rufe nach einem Öl- und Gasembargo werden damit nicht verstummen. Doch viele Ökonomen schlagen einen anderen Weg vor.
It’s Venusaursome. If you think Grass-type Pokémon are underrated, or you’ve been trying to grow your green thumb over the pandemic, then you will most likely be the target audience for the new Pokémon Grassy Gardening collection. They have pot-plant plushies: Read the full article on