Die Verwirrung rund um den Astrazeneca-Impfstoff ist groß. Die Gesundheitsminister haben einen partiellen Impfstopp verhängt. Der Kölner Impfarzt Jürgen Zastrow erklärt, warum er weiterimpfen würde. In Deutschland wird vorerst kein Impfstoff von Astrazeneca mehr an Menschen unter 60 verabreicht. Den
I’ll be the first to admit that I spend a lot of time on Instagram, especially during the pandemic. While I might have lost the plot to films and TV shows I’m “watching” thanks to endless scrolling, I have something to show for it: great outfit ideas. And in my line of work, that matters. As you […]
When it comes to casual outfit ideas involving jeans, do as Katie Holmes does, because she keeps nailing it, and her latest denim outfit further proves it. An outfit that includes skinny jeans and a hoodie isn’t particularly luxurious, even if said jeans and hoodie are designer, but Holmes made it so this week while out and […]