Games World

Guide: Best Funny Games On Switch – Games That’ll Make You Wii Yourself

Urine for a treat.

What does it mean to be funny? Merriam-Webster defines funny as “affording light mirth and laughter”, and in these dark times, don’t we all need a little bit of Light Mirth?

Well, do we have the mirth-inducing games for you! From witty writing to pants-wettingly chaotic co-op games, this list has every kind of light mirth that you could ever want. Not all games are made equal, so your mileage may vary when it comes to what makes you laugh — if you’re amused by people getting their legs sawn off or whatever, nothing short of professional help can reach you now — but hopefully you’ll find something to make you lol, lmao, or even roflmao (do so with caution, please).

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