Explore the future. Playstige Interactive has announced that its new first-person puzzle game NeonLore is coming to Switch on 20th April. Set in the distant future, NeonLore sees you solving puzzles and talking to people to try and figure out what has happened to the human race. The game will let you explore the streets […]
A new set photo from Black Panther: Wakanda Forever hints at an underwater sequence with Namor. Marvel Studios’ upcoming sequel Black Panther: Wakanda Forever has underwent unfortunate circumstances during its production. Given the tragic passing of King T’Challa actor Chadwick Boseman, the film’s story will carry on without him as Marvel opted not to recast […]
Behördenvertreter mehrerer ukrainischer Städte berichten von Angriffen, teilweise auf Wohngebiete. Die Menschen sollen in ihren Kellern übernachten. Und: Der Internationale Währungsfonds gewährt einen Milliardenkredit. Die News.