Games World

Random: Resident Evil And Silent Hill Creators Sit Down For A Chat

Two legends talk game design, zombie movies, and memories.

The Resident Evil and Silent Hill franchises have both become legendary in the gaming world since their debut in the mid-late ’90s. Although one is undoubtedly flourishing more than the other right now (if you don’t know which one, then we can’t help you), both have had a major impact on the horror genre and gaming as a whole.

In a rather lovely surprise, Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami and Silent Hill creator Keiichiro Toyama have got together to reminisce about the “good ol’ days” when 3D gaming was just just starting to take off and the survival horror genre was born. Both seem quite open about their respective experiences within the gaming industry and it’s clear that Mikami’s involvement with the Resident Evil franchise inspired Toyama with his work on Silent Hill.

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