And what does it even MEAN to beat a game, man? The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild turned five years old this week, and to celebrate the momentous occasion the Twitter account for How Long To Beat — a site that tells you how long on average a game will take you to […]
Rose might just be the marmite of fragrance and who would have thought that such a beautiful flower could be so divisive. While, a delivery of 28 stems of red roses will hardly ever be refused, bottles of perfume touting rose as the main note are often subject to some deliberation. I’m very into rose […]
Im mitreißenden Finale um den Weltmeistertitel ist das letzte Wort offenbar noch nicht gesprochen. Mercedes protestiert gegen die Wertung des Rennens. Ein Termin für die Verhandlung steht auch schon fest. Nach dem kontroversen Formel-1-Finale von Abu Dhabi hat Mercedes Einspruch eingelegt. Die Silbe