Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change A new UN interactive atlas reveals how climate change will shape weather around the world. Humans have warmed the planet by an average of 1.2 degrees Celsius since industrialization began in the 19th century. This small-sounding change has helped fuel severe wildfires, record-breaking heatwaves, floods, and an ever-growing list of […]
A city, lighter than air. If you’re someone who’s roamed the streets of Bioshock Infinite’s floating city of Columbia and found yourself wondering exactly how a city like that might actually be feasible, you’re in the right place. Airborne Kingdom is a city builder that takes to the skies, tasking you with creating your very […]
Odessa am Schwarzen Meer gilt als mögliches Ziel einer russischen Landungsoperation. Nun ist unweit der Stadt ein Frachtschiff gesunken. Die Ursache ist unklar, doch der Schiffsversicherer hat eine Vermutung.