Wira Hyrytsch von Radio Liberty ist tot in Kiew aufgefunden worden. Prorussische Hacker legen rumänische Regierungs-Websites lahm. Und: Britische Helfer sind in der Ukraine offenbar von Russen gefangen genommen worden. Die News.
Fukuoka gets five new manhole covers. By this point, we’ve covered Poké Lids so much that we’re genuinely hoping Nintendo might notice and send us one in the post. It’s unlikely, of course, because the Japan-only decorative manhole covers are very heavy and probably quite expensive — but still. We can hope. Read the full […]
Pre-orders go live today. Devolver Digital’s super stylish beat ’em up, Ape Out, is being treated to a lovely physical release on Nintendo Switch. Limited to just 3,000 copies, the release is going up for pre-order later today over on Special Reserve Games’ website. It comes with a Steelbook, special outer box, reversible jacket, instruction […]