Time to take this old horse out to the back of the barn. Harvest Moon: One World, to summarise the next few hundred words of complaining, is a badly-paced, unattractive, hollow facsimile of a Harvest Moon game. And yes, we’re well aware of the Natsume/XSEED schism, and that Story of Seasons is the “true” Harvest […]
(Ein Tippfehler behoben) FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) – Nach seinem Rekordhoch im frühen Handel hat der Dax am Mittwochnachmittag seine Gewinne komplett abgegeben. Marktteilnehmer begründeten den Dreh mit den erneut steigenden Renditen am Anleihemarkt. Die Rendite zehnjähriger US-Staatsanleihen kletterte zul
Games should be available to “everyone who wants to play them”. The way we play and consume classic video games has become a hot topic of late, thanks largely to some rather shady practices being employed by collectors to boost the value of certain titles. While some people are keen to increase the value of […]