Standard edition also available. Originally released on the Sega Dreamcast back in 2013, Sturmwind EX has since seen a digital release on the Switch eShop – and now, thanks to publisher Pix’n Love, it’s getting a physical version that comes with loads of goodies. The limited edition – of which only 2000 copies will be […]
Remember when Carrie Bradshaw quipped that, when she was strapped for cash, she used to buy fashion magazines over food because she felt that they “fed her more”? Well, contrary to Bradshaw, nothing comes between this girl and a burrito, but I do understand her sentiment. In 2019, I moved out of London after almost a decade […]
Au sein de ces vastes volumes de donnĂ©es se cachent des informations sur le comportement des consommateurs, les tendances Ă©mergentes des marchĂ©s et mĂŞme les prĂ©dicteurs de l’avenir. Pour les organisations, l’objectif est de donner un sens Ă cette quantitĂ© de donnĂ©es qui augmente rapidement et de trouver des moyens innovants d’en tirer une valeur […]