Available starting this weekend. If you’ve been lucky enough to visit Nintendo’s world-famous store in Tokyo (or even if you’ve just watched hundreds of videos of other people visiting it on YouTube instead like us), you’ll no doubt have seen the four statues that proudly adorn the shop floor. Mario, Link, Isabelle and an Inkling […]
Wireless connectivity up to 20 meters. The Nintendo Switch has proven to be a hit with gamers thanks to the fact that it can be played both on your TV and in portable mode, but despite this unique selling point, there’s still a market for super-slim mobile monitors that allow you to experience the big-screen […]
US-Präsident Biden versprach, die Einwanderungspolitik humaner zu gestalten. Nun setzt er wie sein Vorgänger Donald Trump auf Mexiko als harten Türsteher. Dort leben Schutzsuchende auf der Straße, etlichen droht Gewalt.