Shazam!: Fury Of The Gods star Rachel Zegler has teased at the possibility of a cameo from Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. The state of the DC Extended Universe is one that seems to be in constant flux. The status of certain characters and stars like Ben Affleck as Batman and Henry Cavill as Superman, […]
Starke Strömungen, häufig Nebel und niedrige Wassertemperaturen: Der Ärmelkanal ist gefährlich. Trotzdem haben Dutzende Menschen die Überfahrt gewagt. Sie gerieten in Seenot, konnten aber gerettet werden.
Samuel L Jackson has teased his return at Nick Fury for Marvel Studios’ upcoming Secret Invasion series. After being a supporting star for the Marvel Cinematic Universe for over a decade, Samuel L Jackson is set to get his own leading role in the upcoming Secret Invasion Disney Plus series, which takes inspiration from the […]