Mehrere Hundert Bundeswehrsoldaten sind an einem Uno-Einsatz in Mali beteiligt. Bei ihrem letzten deutsch-französischen Ministerrat bekräftigte Merkel das Engagement. Die Zusammenarbeit mit Frankreich lobte sie.
A new image sees Taron Egerton replacing Hugh Jackman as Wolverine by donning a tactical version of the classic yellow suit. The future of Mutants in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a little uncertain for the moment, although Kevin Feige previously confirmed the X-Men will eventually make their debut on the big screen once again, […]
“We share in the slow optimistic tendency of the universe… We have life and health and wholeness on the same terms as the trees, the flowers, the grass, the animals have, and pay the same price for our well-being, in struggle and effort, that they pay. That is our good fortune.” In those seasons of […]