You haven’t played anything quite like this. As a writer for a gaming site, it can be pretty difficult explaining exactly what we do when asked by inquisitive parents or grandparents who haven’t got the foggiest about the internet and games. Today is most certainly one of those days. Yes, you read the headline correctly: […]
A migrant mother and daughter from Honduras sit with fellow asylum seekers after crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico into the United States on March 26, 2021, in Penitas, Texas. | John Moore/Getty Images But it can break the endless cycle of crises at the border. President Joe Biden’s promise to renew foreign aid to the […]
Kanzlerin Merkel und die Ministerpräsidenten beraten über das weitere Vorgehen im Kampf gegen die Corona-Pandemie. Bis wann wird der Lockdown verlängert? Darüber wird gestritten. Vielerorts sinken die Infektionszahlen in Deutschland, deshalb ist die Debatte um Lockerungen der Corona-Maßnahmen wiede