When I find an item of clothing or a pair of shoes I like, I buy it in every colour it comes in. So much so, If you were to peek inside my wardrobe, it would look as if it belonged to twins who like to dress in the matching ensembles, only in different shades. […]
No relation to Monty Mole, however. There’s no lack of choice when it comes to 3D platformers on Switch. Home to some excellent games, Mail Mole’s got strong competition ahead of it next month. Previously announced for a 2020 release, it had been delayed but it’s now been confirmed as coming to Switch on March […]
Volksfeststimmung in Grünheide: Mit Riesenrad und Musikprogramm hat Elon Musk die Tesla-»Gigafactory« eröffnet. Die E-Auto-Produktion soll bald starten – doch die Proteste gegen das Werk dauern an.