Die Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz in der Corona-Pandemie ist in Schleswig-Holstein am Sonntag weiter leicht gestiegen – auf 70, 9. Am Samstag hatte die Zahl neuer Ansteckungen je 100.000 Einwohner binnen sieben Tagen 69, 6 betragen, am Sonntag zuvor 57, 6. Nach Angaben der Landesmeldestelle (Stand: 18.33 Uhr) w
Slice ’em and dice ’em. Many people, ourselves included, thought that Skyward Sword would never come to a non-Wii console because it would mess up the controls. We were wrong, but also, we were a little bit right, too. The new Switch version of Skyward Sword came out last week (we quite liked it) with […]
Whatever your thoughts on anti-ageing as a term, there’s no denying that moisturisers, which are created to specifically tackle things like fine lines, pigmentation and dryness, can be incredibly expensive due to their potent ingredients and advanced formulations. And while I truly believe that ageing is a privilege we should fully embrace—wrinkles and all—it doesn’t mean that taking good care of […]