High above Knockout City, a single voice narrates the epic dodgebrawl battles unfolding below. After all, when you’re a radio DJ broadcasting from the moon, you need a really good show. And where better to find it than KO City? You gotta understand that dodgebrawling is all about the basics: throw, catch, pass, dodge, and […]
Investigate and return colour to the world. The steady feed of interesting Apple Arcade titles making their way to consoles is continuing, though Discolored is a game that’s also established a reputation on Steam. Developed by Jason Godbey, it’s a first-person puzzle adventure in which you’re sent to investigate a roadside diner that’s lost all […]
Dimanche, Jean-Luc Mélenchon tenait son meeting à La Défense, où étaient réunies près de 5 000 personnes. Quelques heures plus tard, Éric Zemmour tenait le sien à Villepinte avec plus de 10 000 personnes – un rassemblement émaillé de violences. Roselyne Febvre et Valérie Gas reçoivent Jean-Luc Mélenchon, candidat de l’Union populaire a l’élection présidentielle.