La Commission européenne a annoncé, mercredi, la création d’un label “vert” controversé reconnaissant, sous certaines conditions, la contribution des centrales nucléaires et au gaz à la lutte contre le changement climatique. Certains pays-membres ont toutefois critiqué la mesure, notamment l’Autriche.
Wave 1 & 2 are coming! The future of Mii have been in doubt for some time now, and while Switch Sports made it seem like Nintendo was almost ready to move on from these classic Wii generation avatars, it appears they’re not done with them just yet. In a surprise move, Nintendo has actually […]
I’ll be honest with you: If there’s one thing I’m reluctant to pay top dollar for, it’s shoes. Don’t get me wrong. I love designer shoes, but when you’re as hard on shoes as I am (I blame this on being generally clumsy and prone to tripping), you come to terms with the fact that Jimmy Choos and […]