The Tour begins. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is the most popular game on Switch, the very definition of an ‘evergreen’ title. Aside from the Battle Mode and a few minor changes, however, devoted fans have been playing the same content since the Wii U original with its DLC content, a scenario that finally changes with […]
R&B-Sänger Van Morrison fiel zuletzt vor allem mit Kritik an Corona-Maßnahmen auf. Den nordirischen Gesundheitsminister nannte er »gefährlich«. Berichten zufolge verklagt der Politiker den Musiker nun.
Classic (and not-so-classic) Nintendo TV spots. Over the holiday season we’ll be republishing a series of Nintendo Life articles, interviews and other features from the previous twelve months that we consider to be our Best of 2020. Hopefully, this will give you a chance to catch up on pieces you missed, or simply enjoy looking […]