The hits keep coming. A sentiment we’ve shared in Nintendo Life Towers, and we suspect is also shared by a number of Switch owners, is that Capcom is on a roll. In this calendar year we’ve had Monster Hunter Rise, Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin, Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection and just recently the […]
There’s no denying that H&M has created some real winners in the fashion department this summer. From slouchy wide-leg trousers and layering tanks to colour-pop pink and breezy linen shirts, the brand can certainly be credited for some of the most buzz-worthy products of the year thus far. Though, those aren’t the only piece that the fashion […]
Die Handballerinnen des Thüringer HC sind mit einem Kantersieg in die Bundesliga-Rückrunde gestartet. Gegen den Tabellenletzten Kurpfalz Bären setzte sich das Team von Trainer Herbert Müller am Samstagabend deutlich mit 31:18 (17:10) durch. Beste Werferin der Thüringerinnen, die nun bei 19:11 Punkte