Take your game to the next level. If you want to take your Nintendo gaming sessions to the next level, then you might want to check out PowerA’s new Fusion Pro Wireless Controller for the Switch. It puts “premium materials and professional-level gaming features” at your fingertips. Read the full article on nintendolife.com
The international teaser for The Matrix Resurrections features brand new footage from the upcoming sequel. We’re returning to The Matrix this Christmas. After a nearly two-decade wait, Neo and Trinity are bringing us back to the source with this year’s The Matrix Resurrections. Details are slim on the upcoming sequel and the last trailer left […]
Haben russische Streitkräfte eine unbekannte chemische Substanz über Mariupol abgeworfen? In Charkiw wurden mehrere Zivilisten getötet. Und: Die Meldungen über Vergewaltigungen in der Ukraine nehmen zu. Der Überblick.