Two become three (again). That’s right! While our YouTube team was briefly reduced to two, it’s now back to three thanks to the addition of Felix Sanchez. You might already know Felix from his personal (and very musical) YouTube channel, but he’s now joined Alex and Zion on our video team in a full-time capacity […]
Nach einer mutmaßlichen Schlägerei an einem Baggersee im Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis hat die Polizei das Gelände geräumt. Zeugen hatten in der Nacht zum Samstag eine Schlägerei zwischen 30 bis 40 Personen am Lambsheimer Weiher gemeldet. Beim Eintreffen der Polizisten befanden sich etwa 300 Personen auf der Li
Animal Crossing over to the other side. Back in the Wii and DS era, Nintendo tried something new: telling its players to take breaks. We’re no strangers to the Animal Crossing all-nighter, and it seemed like Nintendo was finally starting to worry about our health, but very few people actually heeded the gentle warning. You’re […]