In a week, croco…deek. Fans of Undertale, Night in the Woods, and Neil Cicierega, look this way: the people behind all of the above have thrown their names and support behind Later Alligator, a collaboration between game developer Pillowfight and SmallBu, the Emmy Award-winning animation team. “This game looks extremely cool, not gonna lie. And […]
Publié le : 18/06/2021 – 11:18 Au lendemain de la spectaculaire perquisition dans la rédaction du journal pro-démocratique Apple Daily, deux personnes ont été inculpée vendredi en vertu de la nouvelle loi sur la sécurité nationale imposée par Pékin à Hong Kong. Deux responsables du quotidien pro-démocratie hongkongais Apple Daily ont été inculpés, vendredi 18 juin, en vertu […]
There’s something about the non-permanent nature of nails that encourages more adventurous choices. Since you’re signing up for a maximum of three or four weeks with any particular design, you feel free to branch out and choose something experimental as opposed to say, a hair colour that involves a much bigger commitment. A bold nail choice is […]