The investigation opens soon. Earlier this week we were given a look at upcoming projects from Humble Games, the publishing arm of the broader ‘Humble’ company that has become a major player in gaming. Most games didn’t have platform confirmation but could conceivably be ported to Switch, but there was one official confirmation regarding Nintendo’s […]
A quelques heures du réveillon de Noël, le Covid-19 joue cette année encore les trouble-fête. Un variant Omicron fulgurant et le nombre record de contaminations poussent le gouvernement à accélérer le calendrier de la dose de rappel. Jeudi, le seuil des 90.000 cas quotidiens a été franchi, avec 91.608 cas confirmés. Le précédent record, 86.852 […]
Just good fun, plane and simple. One of the most irritating things anyone can say online is: “Nobody asked for this.” It’s a cocky, unfairly harsh way of shutting down any new game that isn’t on a person’s own specific wishlist, and not only is it generally disrespectful, it can also be totally meaningless. After […]