« Trop de personnes restent non vaccinées pour que nous puissions en sortir définitivement », a estimé Joe Biden, le 4 novembre. SUSAN WALSH / AP C’est une nouvelle déconvenue pour Joe Biden qui venait tout juste d’enregistrer sa première victoire législative d’envergure avec l’adoption au Congrès, vendredi, de son plan d’investissements dans les infrastructures. Une […]
Gershon Distenfeld came to the WSOP Main Event Final Table looking to win. He played aggressively and found himself in some tough spots. Sarah Herring talks to Distenfeld about his final hands and what he was thinking in those spots. He also shares about the charities he has chosen to donate his money to and […]
I used to be a jazzy-skirt-and-plain-top girl, then life on Zoom/Google Hangout/Microsoft Teams (delete as appropriate) became the norm and I realised that all of my fancy skirts and interesting trousers were, essentially, redundant. And so the roles in my wardrobe have needed to be reversed, with tops become the centre piece and my bottom half being […]