Samurai Jack and Primal creator Genndy Tartakovsky has shared a stunning look at the Superman suit from his canceled DC Nation animated short. Genndy Tartakovsky, the man behind Samurai Jack and the Star Wars: Clone Wars micro-series, was developing a Superman short back in 2013. The Superman short would’ve been a part of Cartoon Network’s DC […]
Brand new promo art from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness teases the deadly Gargantos. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is on track to be one of Marvel Studios’ most unique films. After Spider-Man: No Way Home paved way for the possibilities of the multiverse, the upcoming Doctor Strange sequel is set […]
Moskau (dpa) – Russland hat inmitten der Ukraine-Krise unter anderem mit einem angekündigten Teilrückzug von Truppen Zeichen der Entspannung ausgesandt. Präsident Wladimir Putin betonte am Dienstag bei seinem Treffen mit Kanzler Olaf Scholz in Moskau, dass Russland keinen neuen Krieg in Europa wolle