It is now officially very cold, and so a reliable winter coat is an absolute essential. While a MaxMara or Toteme coat will always be my dream purchase, I’ve been really impressed by some of the tailored, wool coats that have been on offer on the high street recently. The key to an expensive-looking coat really is the silhouette. Think oversized, falling on the ankles and with plenty of room on the body so you can layer it over a chunky knit. There are four high street coats in particular that really stand out right now and all have this structure, and are either in ecru, grey and navy. My favourite is a stone-coloured overcoat from & Other Stories, closely followed by a black and white chevron-print coat from Zara. If you’re still on the great coat hunt, keep scrolling to see 4 tailored styles that defy their price-tag.
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