Games World

Soapbox: Sonic Frontiers’ Open World Has The Potential To Deliver On An Old Promise

Boom or bust.

Soapbox features enable our individual writers and contributors to voice their opinions on hot topics and random stuff they’ve been chewing over. Today, Stuart takes a look at the upcoming open-world Sonic game and ponders the promise it has, and pitfalls it has to negotiate…

The Game Awards were a double-header for us Sonic fans. A full trailer for the blue blur’s second movie and, more pertinently, our first real glimpse of the next major Sonic game, one Sonic Frontiers. And it’s been met with somewhat scornful comparisons to the absolutely exhausted benchmark of the “open-world” mega-genre, one The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Never mind the fact that Sonic was traversing big, open spaces back in 1991. What are “sandbox” locations if not extrapolations on the wide-linear likes of the original Green Hill Zone, eh? Riddle me that, Zelda. Maybe we could have a Sonic game where his sneakers break every fifteen seconds and you have to keep replacing them.

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