My quest to dress more French-like took a turn this weekend when I finally bought into the wide-leg trouser trend. I don’t buy trousers often—most of the time, I find them to be too tight across the bum and hips but too loose around the waist. However, after months of admiring the wide-leg trouser trend from afar, […]
Marvel’s Kevin Feige has revealed the identity of Christian Bale’s Thor: Love and Thunder villain. With Thor: Love and Thunder set to begin production in January 2021, Kevin Feige has confirmed that former Batman actor Christian Bale is joining the Marvel Studios project as Gorr the God Butcher. Feige broke the news during the Disney […]
Bisher kommt der Strom auf Astypalea aus Dieselgeneratoren. Nun soll die Mini-Insel in der Südägäis zum Testlabor für grünen Strom und E-Autos werden – mithilfe von Volkswagen. Nicht alle sind begeistert.