Nach einer monatelangen Pause können Reisebusse wieder Ziele in Sachsen-Anhalt anfahren. Die nun schnell sinkenden Corona-Infektionen erlaubten touristischen Reiseverkehr, teilte der Verband Mitteldeutscher Omnibusunternehmer am Montag mit. “Wir sind froh, wieder durchstarten zu können”, sagte Gesch
A lot of big cards on the table and a pot growing bigger and bigger… Check out the creation of a MASSIVE pot during the EPT 8 grand final! Subscribe here to our channel: —————– Amazing bluffs, sick coolers, quads, flushes. The best plays, the best players, the best clips. This is what Best […]
New Zelda, Mario, Pokémon, Splatoon and more on the way. Nintendo has shared a quick overview of the major releases headed to Switch over the next couple of months and into 2022. We don’t know about you, but we’re starting to think that 2022 could be one of the system’s best years yet. As you […]