We like statistics best when they’re wiggly. Nintendo has had a lot of ups and downs as a company, from its 20th century beginnings in the console market to its 2017 release, the Nintendo Switch (which some of you may have heard of). It doesn’t seem that long ago that we were writing sad news […]
Par AFP le 02.12.2021 à 09h14 Lecture 1 min. La Bourse de Paris a ouvert en retrait de 1,27% jeudi, dans la foulée de la nette baisse de Wall Street face aux craintes liées au variant Omicron. A 09H00, l’indice phare CAC 40 perdait 87,1 points à 6.794,77 points. Mercredi, il avait gagné 2,39%, sa […]
Russische Truppen dringen weiter nach Mariupol vor: Straßenkämpfe verhindern die Suche nach Überlebenden. Satellitenbilder zeigen die Zerstörungen am Theater der Stadt.