La question de la responsabilité des banques dans les opérations boursières des petits actionnaires se pose régulièrement au point de faire l’objet début 2022 d’un examen par l’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF) et de son médiateur, Marielle Cohen-Branche. La Bourse, une question de timing et de communication Pour ce faire, la médiatrice de l’AMF a […]
As you can probably denote from the stories currently populating our homepage, to say we’re excited about spring’s imminent arrival would be an understatement. With so much promise pinned on the next few months, our minds are officially in spring-mode, regardless of the fact that the weather’s got some catching up to do. So, until we can slip […]
Ambassador, with these RPGs you are really spoiling us. Comedy in video games is an extremely difficult prospect. As everyone well knows, the truest comedy in the medium comes from the stupid jokes and antics of you playing with your friends; scripted yuks are generally hamstrung by the inherent repetition and player-controlled pacing of any […]