Canberra gibt Paris einen Korb und kauft lieber Unterseeboote bei US-Amerikanern und Briten. Es geht um Technologie und Schlagkraft – und die Abschreckung Chinas. Der Überblick.
Say No! More says ‘No!’ to 2020. Thunderful Publishing and developer Studio Fizbin have announced that Say No! More will no longer be launching this year as planned. The game, which sees players rediscovering how to say ‘no’ in a world which has forgotten how to stand up for itself, will now launch in 2021. […]
Here comes the judgement. M-KAI began his game development life on the MSX with RPG Izumic Ballade, before moving into the shoot-em-up arena with Kanzen Kouryaku Kyokugen and Pleasure Hearts. The distinct design hallmarks of these early works — leaning toward lightweight, unpretentious fun — have remained present throughout his commitment to the genre. Qute […]