Am I the only one who imagines I’m frolicking through a field of flowers when I put on a loose and flowy dress? No, just me? Anyways, when the cottagecore trend took over last summer, as a modest dresser, I was relieved. While I think second-skin dresses look fantastic on fashion girls everywhere, there’s something about […]
“Netflix is changing the animation industry”. Anime and animations inspired by that Japanese output have had global fans for years, though with the rise of streaming we’ve seen more viewers discover the medium. In more recent times Netflix has been jumping on board to bring even more mainstream attention, with Castlevania being its first exclusive […]
Mindestens 15 Prozent Steuern sollen Weltkonzerne nach dem Plan der G20 zahlen – Kanzlerin Merkel begrüßte das als Erfolg. Auf dem Gipfel in Rom stellte sie ihren voraussichtlichen Nachfolger den Mächtigen vor – auch Joe Biden.