Marvel Cinematic Universe star Paul Bettany has revealed that WandaVision‘s White Vision almost appeared in Avengers: Infinity War. Paul Bettany’s Vision has had a bit of a rough time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe lately. Originally the character was Tony Stark’s AI program, J.A.R.V.I.S. before becoming Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron and appearing once […]
In der usbekischen Hauptstadt Taschkent ist eine weitere Lufthansa-Maschine gestartet, um aus Afghanistan in Sicherheit gebrachte Menschen nach Deutschland zu bringen. Das teilte ein Lufthansa-Sprecher am Mittwochabend mit. Die Landung des Airbus A340 wurde für den frühen Donnerstagmorgen in Frankfu
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier star Sebastian Stan plays Luke Skywalker for The Mandalorian in this new image. After the finale of The Mandalorian season two surprised audiences with a young version of Luke Skywalker, many wondered why Lucasfilm didn’t opt to cast someone in the role instead of using the de-ageing technology. While […]