Prince Albert of Monaco has revealed the whereabouts of his wife.
Previously, Princess Charlene had been in her home country of South Africa for several months dealing with health issues due to an ENT infection, which necessitated several surgeries. She had finally returned to Monaco earlier this month, but did not make any public appearances. Shortly after, the palace released a statement indicating she would step back from royal duties.
It read:
“A period of calm and rest is necessary to ensure the very best recovery for Princess Charlene’s health. Having battled with poor health over the past few months, the Princess is currently convalescing and will continue to do so for the coming weeks, allowing her time to recover from a state of profound general fatigue.”
Well, it turns out there might be more to it.
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On Friday, the Sovereign Prince elaborated on his wife’s condition in an interview with People. He revealed that Charlene is receiving treatment in a facility “outside of Monaco.” The decision came after her homecoming “went pretty well in the first few hours” but “it became pretty evident that she was unwell.”
He explained:
“She was clearly exhausted, physically and emotionally. She was overwhelmed and couldn’t face official duties, life in general or even family life.”
The 63-year-old stated that the reason she is getting help includes “several factors which are private matters”:
“Obviously there were consequences of her different surgeries and the procedures she underwent in the last few months. That certainly was a factor, but at this point I prefer not to comment further. I can say she was suffering incredible fatigue. She hadn’t slept well in a number of days and she wasn’t eating at all well. She has lost a lot of weight, which made her vulnerable to other potential ailments. A cold or the flu or God help us, COVID.”
Innerestingly, the conclusion that she would seek treatment came about after he “sat her down with her brothers and a sister-in-law” in a sort of intervention — despite the fact that she had supposedly already made her own choice:
“She had already made her decision, and we only wanted her to confirm it in front of us. She wanted this. She already knew the best thing to do was to go and have a rest and have a real medically framed treatment. And not in Monaco. For privacy reasons, it would have to be someplace outside of Monaco.”
For privacy reasons? Even though it’s just about exhaustion? He reiterated his wife was not being forced into treatment, saying:
“She was very calm and very understanding. She realized herself that she needed help. You can’t force anyone to understand that they need treatment, they have to accept that themselves. … She was already in favor of it. We knew that. We only wanted it confirmed in front of us. We wanted to tell her that we love her so much, and that we were there for her, and that the most important aspect for her is her health. That she shouldn’t worry about anything else. That we all love her, that her children love her, and that we only want the best for her.”
The prince was quick to shoot down rumors regarding the 43-year-old’s convalescence, saying:
“I’m probably going to say this several times, but this has nothing to do with our relationship. I want to make that very clear. These are not problems within our relationship; not with the relationship between a husband and wife. It’s of a different nature.”
He also clarified that her issues are “not COVID,” “not cancer-related,” “not a personal relationship issue,” and “isn’t related to plastic surgery or facial work at all.” He denied so many things, it almost makes one want to count up the rumors he didn’t deny…

The father of two said he would take Gabriella and Jacques to visit their mother “whenever we get the medical go-ahead,” though he believed it could be several weeks before they would be allowed to do so. He noted:
“[The children] knew that she was tired. That she was not quite herself. And then I told them that she needed some time to rest, and that she is now somewhere not too far away, that we can go see her one day. They understood that. They know that she’s going to talk to them very soon. They miss her, of course, but they understand. Kids at that age they understand.”
As for himself, he expressed gratitude for his “family, friends and great staff” as well as the “support and love and friendship around us from these people and by the citizens of Monaco.” He reflected:
“This is usually the busiest time of year. I don’t have time to be going around with a too-sad face. I’m okay. Of course I’m saddened by the situation, but I know she’s in a good place now. That she’ll recover and that this is the best place for her.”
Does anyone else feel like there are major aspects he’s keeping from us here?
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As to what Charlene needs moving forward, he stated:
“She needs privacy; as a family we need privacy. She needs time to rest in the best environment possible. Even if we as a family are public figures. When public figures have health issues, they deserve privacy just like any one else. I hope everybody will understand that. Give us the time that we need; give her the time that she needs to heal and get better and be back with her family in Monaco.”
He added:
“Charlene never asked to have these problems — but they are there, unfortunately, and we need space and privacy to address them. So I beg everyone to understand that and please leave my family alone for the coming weeks.”
We’ll be keeping Charlene in our thoughts. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
[Image via MEGA/WENN]
The post Missing Princess Charlene Is In A Treatment Facility, Prince Albert Reveals appeared first on Perez Hilton.