Nintendo is DOOMED. 2016 is a long, long, loooong time ago now, but I’ll try to take you back to October 20th, 2016, the day the Nintendo Switch was announced. The US Presidential Election was looming, Brexit was still a massive question mark, and Disney’s Moana, Disney’s Rogue One, Disney’s Captain America: Civil War, and […]
With track-sole boots becoming virtually ubiquitous earlier this year, it was only a matter of time before the chunky-sole trend infiltrated other types of footwear. That’s why it hardly came as a surprise this season when we started seeing statement loafers launch across luxury and high-street brands. When it comes to designer brands, Prada has been one […]
Dans un entretien à France 24, Rafael Mariano Grossi, directeur général de l’Agence internationale pour l’énergie atomique (AEIA), affirme qu’un accord préalable demeure “possible”, alors que les négociations internationales sur le programme nucléaire iranien viennent de reprendre à Vienne pour tenter de sauver l’accord de 2015. Mais il “reste peu de temps” selon Rafael Mariano Grossi, et Téhéran doit absolument garantir plus […]