Berlin (dpa) – Die sich zuspitzende Corona-Lage droht das Gesundheitssystem in Deutschland nach Einschätzung von Medizinern zu überfordern. Die mögliche Ampel-Koalition aus SPD, Grünen und FDP will mit der Neufassung des Infektionsgesetzes dagegenhalten. Die Abstimmung im Bundestag am Donnerstag wir
Combat is King. Some six months on from its initial release on PS4, Xbox and PC, Kingdoms of Amalur: Re-Reckoning, THQ Nordic’s “remaster” of 2012’s action-RPG epic, finally arrives on Nintendo Switch, bringing with it a solid hundred hours’-worth of high-fantasy shenanigans. While it’s more than showing its age in many respects – and certainly […]
Goes on sale this week. It turns out that our own Damien McFerran is Build-A-Bear Bonus Club member, even though he doesn’t know how, and along with other members got a heads up on another Pokémon joining the range this week. Read the full article on