A brand new entry based on the acclaimed RPG series. If you’ve been wanting Nintendo to release a new entry in the Mother series, here’s potentially the next best thing…if it ever sees the light of day. It’s a fan-made sequel to the acclaimed RPG series, titled ‘Mother 4’. There’s a four-minute reveal trailer – […]
Vor dem Strandtreffen der G7 hatten die Gastgeber viel versprochen. Vor allem beim Kampf gegen die Pandemie überwog jedoch wieder mal nationaler Egoismus. Aber wenigstens hat sich der Westen wieder lieb.
More eShop tracks have been added! One of the best things about the Nintendo Wii generation was its Wii Shop Channel – you could go and buy new and classic games, and listen to some upbeat retro-sounding music at the same time. If you do miss this music while browsing digital stores, you might be […]