PubliĂ© le : 13/02/2021 – 16:43 La Française AnaĂŻs Chevalier-Bouchet a remportĂ© samedi la mĂ©daille d’argent du sprint aux Mondiaux de biathlon Ă Pokljuka. La Tiril Eckhoff a remportĂ© l’épreuve tandis que la BiĂ©lorusse Hanna Sola rĂ©cupère le bronze. Retour gagnant pour AnaĂŻs Chevalier-Bouchet. Ă€ 28 ans, la Française a dĂ©crochĂ© samedi 13 fĂ©vrier la mĂ©daille d’argent […]
You don’t have to look very far, both in the digital world and IRL, to see that dresses have collectively become our favourite ways to celebrate our re-entry into society. Of course, it always helps when the temperature gauge is reaching the high-twenties which, in British terms, is truly sweltering. While I have enjoyed the comeback of […]
Die Alten entscheiden, wer Deutschland regiert und welche Politik gemacht wird. Wer das Land ernsthaft modernisieren will, muss mit dem Wahlsystem anfangen.