Ukrainian film star Pasha Lee has reportedly died while defending his country against the ongoing Russian invasion. Pasha (also referred to as Pavlo Li and Pasha Li) was sadly just 33 years old. According to the Odesa International Film Festival, Pasha was apparently killed by Russian occupiers who were bombarding the city of Irpin with mortar […]
Scream (2022) has officially unseated Tom Holland’s Spider-Man: No Way Home at the weekend box office. Roughly a month after its reign at the top of the domestic box office, Tom Holland’s Spider-Man: No Way Home has finally been topped by a new release. That release in question is the horror sequel, Scream (2022). The […]
Is this another false alarm? Or is Dog The Bounty Hunter really that good at his job?? As we reported, the reality star, whose real name is Duane Chapman, joined in the search for Brian Laundrie over the weekend. Brian is of course a person of interest in the death of his fiancée Gabby Petito. After police from North Port, […]